Upload, search, or paste the link to insert the media to create your video
Cut video
Highlight the moment worth captures!
How to cut video

How to:
1. Select the clip
Select the video you want to cut by clicks the selected clip. Click the ‘Media’ button and click the ‘Trim’ to start the editing process.
2. Edit the clip
Drag the sliders to select the time range for your video. Moving the whole range by clicking the center of it, drag to the point you want the video to be played.
3. Apply the change
Click “Apply” to save the change and close the editing box. Preview the edited version by placing the cursor on top of the clip. Simply redo the process if you are not pleased with the result.
Other Tools
Fit your video into any kind of video dimensions.
Share your video link to be previewed by others before exporting or downloading