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How to leverage Youtube using video marketing to boost your sales
We all know Youtube, one of the largest search engine, second only to Google. Although ideo is considered as one of the most complex media to be generated, that doesn’t prevent people to keep contributing to the growing of Youtube. Research by Mushroom Network found that a massive number of 1,000 videos with an average of 400 hours duration are uploaded every minute and capable to accommodate more than 3 billion searches every month. That itself is bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, Ask and AOL combined.
Earlier this month on October 23rd, Youtube held a webinar on “Selling Youtube for Performance” where we have the opportunity to dig more insight into one of the most resourceful platforms ever existed. Youtube currently covers 95% of all internet traffic. ODO A huge portion of the users is millennials that stay inside the site — surfing — for almost 24 hours. However, people in their 30s also start to show the shift in the behavior by cutting nearly 38% of their free-to-air TV consumption.
Product demo and tester are often provided in-store to the convinced customer to make a purchase or as simply as to demonstrate how the product works. Now that we expect the shift behavior towards mobile and internet usage, the same also goes with shopping behavior. In the coming years, it is expected that the growth of e-commerce will increase like never before with all the current technologies. As per an authenticate survey retail e-commerce sales ratio from 2014 to 2020 will be hiked around 200%. Therefore the new approach to product demonstration is demanded. More people turning to Youtube before making a purchase, so they can virtually experience a product or service. Over 90% of people discovering new products on Youtube. Many people now learn about the product on Youtube before decided to make a purchase. It is supported by the statistic that more than half the people who ‘Google’ about the product, will eventually go to Youtube to learn more about it. Over half of shoppers say online video help them decide which specific brand or product to buy. This makes Youtube the right platform for businesses who wish to take their digital marketing to the next level.
As a video platform, of course, we are expected to upload videos or motion pictures to Youtube. Any other form of media might not be supported well. Generally, generating video is not an easy task. But actually, that’s not really the case. Here are some tips on how to leverage Youtube to broaden your customers’ reach:
Identify your existing media assets
To create a video or motion picture, you need footage, captioning, and audio. The footage is not limited to only video-type of media. Now pictures can also make good video footage depends on the editing. Identify what you have and what you need. Does the footage has to include some specific brand color or logo? Is it possible to replace the footage with some existing free-media such as retrieving from Stroryblocks or Youtube? What about the audio? Does it require you to do voice over or simply background music will do?
Identify how video editing will be done
Now you have all of the media laid out. It’s time to compose all of them into an easy-to-watch video for your customers. How you will do it? Do you have the necessary skills to get the work done? And how many videos you need to generate in order to cover all of your products or satisfy your consumer curiosity? All roads lead to Rome! But if efficiency and effectiveness are your concern, then you can risk trying all the road, right? Seek the right solution to solve your problem. Find the right solution that can fit perfectly with your current situation. From skill, time efficiency, to budget. Consider them all!
AI-Generated video editing solution might be your solution
If video editing is not for you and your team, then GliaStudio might be it! By simply adding all of the existing materials into our platform, you can easily crop, trim, and caption your footage with zero headaches. Even when you don’t have enough media assets to support your video production, GliaStudio powered by Storyblock, Youtube, Instagram, Bing, Unsplash, Giphy, and many more will help you create the perfect visual as you pictured. Within minutes, your video is ready to be generated. GliaStudio offers you a time-efficient and cost-effectiveness solution. Your customer wants to know more about your product as much as you want to tell them about it. Missed no more opportunity.