Video Marketing; Is It A Magic Wand or Just An Overrated Trend?

The revolution of customer experience starts with your content
Decades back, people will think you are a mad man to demand free space to promote your product or execute your marketing campaign. But now, we even go paperless. Further cutting the production cost of marketing activity. Social media where billions of people are gathered and connected is the new marketing billboard that doesn’t charge you a penny. With all of that revolutionary marketing platform, it also comes with drawbacks. The noises that are circulating out there makes it even harder for your marketing content to be noticed. Especially if you are neither big brands nor influential figures.
No matter what’s the size of your voice in social media platform as a brand or as a figure, it always takes consistency in both quality and quantity as the key success. After all, it’s not really penniless to do digital marketing. Rating from the easiest to the hardest content to produce — link, text, images, and video — we can easily grasp why the majority of the audience prefer video over anything else. We might assume due to the level of difficulty, it is most likely that video content has a higher chance of outshining any other content type. However, is there any real science that sparks the magic behind video marketing and is it worth investing?
Extend the limit and expand the imagination of your storytelling
Content marketing is not new. The study in 2012, The Rise of Storytelling as the New Marketingby the marketing expert, Joe Pulizzi, define content marketing as an action to attract and retain customer through activities that media company will do. Of course, text and pictures are sufficient. As text leaves imagination to the viewer and although the picture is slightly better than text as it represents a thousand words, you can’t truly maximize your storytelling. Unlike video which contains everything in once — text, pictures, motion graphic, and sometimes event audio — it spoiled the viewer as they tend to spend less effort to enjoy your story. Results in higher lead and engagement.
Can be consumed as an entertainment
The consumer is getting smarter. Hard selling is never appealing. By crafting good video content, you are creating a marketing media that can be enjoyed by the customer as entertainment before they realize that you are actually trying to sell them your product. Surely this needs to be supported with high quality of video marketing to be more favorable. If investing in media production house is currently not feasible, try to invest in advanced editing tools such as AI-powered video editing, Gliastudio, and several names out there.
Huge migration wave
Many of us — almost all of — are migrated. From offline to online. Most of our time and activity required to be spent online. With the newest trend of 5G, video consumption is predicted increasing up to 90%. This shifting behavior responds positively and favors video marketing. Offers a more established platform and reach a wider audience which removes the geographical limitation compare to the traditional marketing campaign. While a picture speaks a thousand words, sometimes video speaks louder without a single word. Possibly accommodate everyone online and further remove the barrier such as language.