Allow your text to speak! Voice out your content with the text-to-speech technology. Dubbed your video content with our automatic narrator voices. 100% automation process that synthesizes your text into speech. No voice recording required! Make your news report video more alive! Narrator tones are available in five languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese) and both genders to
Video Layout
Decide where your text will be posited! Make sure to have both of your amazing footage and fruitful information subtitle be presented side by side on your video. We provide various text layout to choose that will perfectly suit your clip nevertheless.
How to add Video Layout

How to:
1. Open layout selection box.
Click the “Layout” icon and press “Change” to open the clip layout selection.
2. Select the layout
Preview the layout before applying by place the cursor on the selected layout. Click the layout that you desired to apply that on your clip.
3. Save the changes
Click “Change” to apply the selected layout before moving on to the other step.
Other Tools
Dubbed your video using your voice! Without importing your voice recording, you can record your voice straight to the clip. Make your video more interesting and personal by adding your voice over.
Turn your article into video with few to no hassle! Paste the URL of your article, select your media, and voila